Corporate Pledges

Corporate Pledges Graphic

Corporate Pledges 

Support from our corporate partners is instrumental to the success of our campaign. Gifts made to the Centre County United Way can maximize the impact of your contribution by funding the work of our Partner Agency Network in meeting the basic needs; health, education, and financial stability in Centre County. We regularly thank and recognize our Leadership Level Corporate Donors. Note that our campaign year differs from the calendar year, startarting annually on February 1st and closing January 31st of the following calendar year. Any gifts recieved by the end of January are credited to the previous calendar year's campaign.


Corporate Pledge Card


Giving exceeds $10,000


Giving exceeds $5,000 but is less than $10,000


Giving exceeds $1,000 but is less than $5,000


Giving exceeds $250 but is less than $1,000

2022 Support Levels


Campaign Pledge
Check Donation
Your Name
Cash Donation
Credit/Debit Card Donations
Select One

After completing this form you will be redirected to our payment page where you will be able to process your transaction in a secured environment. Please be sure to enter the same values that you have entered on this form. Thank you!

Your Contact Information
Corporate Donor Details
United Way County

You can designate any United Way Agency in any County in Pennsylvania to be the recipient of your contribution.  Your contribution to this Campaign is fully tax deductible and will be forwarded to Centre, Huntingdon, Blair or any other County that you designate.  Centre County does not deduct administrative fees for processing to geographically neighboring counties (i.e. Blair, Huntingdon, Snyder, Union, etc).

If you choose to designate to a specific agency your donation must be $100 or more.
If you choose to designate to a specific agency your donation must be $100 or more.
My signature below, confirms my payroll deduction request as stated above.

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Each year 1 in 4 Centre County residents utilizes the services of a United Way funded program.  Your contributions help us provide the building blocks of life: Financial Stability, Health, and Education for over 36,000 members of our community. Become a pillar for change in your own backyard by supporting supporting our annual campaign! 

Join us in the movement to LIVE UNITED for a better Centre County for ALL!