Outcomes and community impact as demonstrated through our focus areas:
Education, Income Stability, and Health.
Education in Centre County
• Over 27,000 people received help preparing for school, free access to literacy programs or intensive support in improving reading, cultural, and legal literacy skills
• 530 children received intensive support preparing for school
• 1,128 received intensive direction in managing the legal system
• 26,044 enrolled in library programs designed to improve literacy
• 1,337 enrolled in programs designed to improve cultural literacy
The outcome?
Thanks to the CCUW partner network, 94% of the children who received intensive support are succeeding in school. 27% of those enrolled in programs designed to improve literacy demonstrated measurable improvement in their reading skills. 88% of adults enrolled in an intensive literacy program demonstrated measurable improvement in their reading skills. 93% reported improved cultural understanding and knowledge. 100% demonstrated improved ability to appropriately access the legal system.
Income Stability in Centre County
• Over 11,800 people received help improving their financial situation through education, money management and crisis intervention
• 2,855 were provided with a safe place to stay as they recovered from a crisis
• 371 worked toward and obtained permanent, long-term housing
• 3,129 received budget counseling and/or temporary help with food and utility costs so that they could maintain their home
• 2,471 received support services as they fled domestic violence or received support to deal with domestic or sexual assault
• 2,778 received intensive support, through one-on-one mediation or job application skills, in seeking new employment
The outcome?
Thanks to the CCUW partner network, over 11,000, or 96%, demonstrated measurable improvement in their financial condition.
Health Care in Centre County
• Over 22,000 people received support related to physical and mental health issues
• 2,869 learned how to keep themselves safe in the event of natural disasters like fire or flood
• 6,326 learned how to make healthy choices when tempted to use drugs, avoid healthy behaviors or encouraged by peers to engage in high risk activities
• 9,057 received short-term support designed to assist in dealing with mental health issues.
• 423 lived in group homes working to assist in overcoming both physical and mental health disabilities
• 217 received long-term support in dealing with end-of-life care
• 3,690 received help accessing affordable health care services
The outcome?
Thanks to the CCUW partner network, over 19,000, or 86%, demonstrated measurable improvement in their ability to deal with mental, physical, drug and alcohol related issues.
The Centre County United Way Partner Network could not accomplish all of these great things without YOUR SUPPORT.
Thank You!